Fences, Weapons, Gifts: Silences in the Context of Addiction

From the abstract:

Through the years, many have struggled to understand silence as a phenomenon and as a communicative tool, and the result of this struggle is a multi-disciplinary body of literature full of more contradiction than agreement about the definitions, values, and uses of silence (Acheson, 2007). In much of this work (e.g. Anzaldúa,1987; Foss and Foss, 1991; hooks, 1989; Lakoff, 1990; Olsen, 1978), silence is juxtaposed against speech in a binary of power, with silences and the silenced perceived as less powerful while the spoken and those who speak are deemed more powerful. However, continued scholarly disagreements over silence make it clear that the relationship between silence and speech, as well as the relationship between each of these and power, cannot be explained by a simple binary, and that one’s perception of these relationships is often dependent upon one’s paradigmatic perspective (Acheson, 2007).

Acheson, K. (2013). Fences, Weapons, Gifts: Silences in the Context of Addiction. In: S. Malhotra, & A. C. Rowe (Eds.). Silence, Feminism, Power. Palgrave Macmillan.

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Purdue CILMAR onto Silence

Silence as Gesture: Rethinking the Nature of Communicative Silences

From the abstract:

Silence and speech are often defined in relation to each other. In much scholarship, the two are perceived as polar opposites; speech enjoys primacy in this dichotomy, with silence negatively perceived as a lack of speech. As a consequence of this binary thinking, scholars remain unable to study the full range of the meanings and uses of silence in human interactions or even to fully recognize its communicative power. Merleau-Ponty described language as a gesture, made possible by the fact that we are bodies in a physical world. Language does not envelop or clothe thought; ideas materialize as embodied language, whether spoken or written. If silence is, as I argue here, as like speech as it is different, perhaps silence, too, can be a gesture. Rather than simply a background for expressed thought, if we considered silence to be embodied, to be a mating of the phenomenal and existential bodies, how might that affect current misconceptions of silence and subsequent limitations on the study of communicative silences?

Kris Acheson, Silence as Gesture: Rethinking the Nature of Communicative Silences, Communication Theory, Volume 18, Issue 4, November 2008, Pages 535–555, https://doi.org/10.1111/j.1468-2885.2008.00333.x

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Purdue CILMAR onto Silence

Transformative Learning Theory

Transformational education and transformative learning have become buzz words in higher education recently, often applied rather lightly to experiences and processes far beyond what is meant by the terms in traditions of scholarly literature, and often claimed with little or no attempt at assessment. This collection is meant to be a resource for anyone interested in learning more about the decades of research on Transformative Learning Theory sparked by the work of Jack Mezirow in the field of adult education in the early 1990s. 

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Purdue CILMAR onto Transformative Learning Theory

HubICL Resources on Transformative Learning

Kris Acheson-Clair has graciously added to the HubICL the materials that she uses when teaching undergraduates about Transformative Learning Theory. In this post, you will find a complete HubICL Course on the theory, along with materials to use in your own classroom.

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Purdue CILMAR onto Transformative Learning Theory

Supporting Graduate Teaching Assistants' Intercultural Competencies | Seed Grant 2021

Given the prominent role of graduate teaching assistants (GTAs) in preparing pre-service teachers to be culturally relevant educators, [the authors] developed a series of online learning modules for GTAs in a College of Education to support their intercultural competency development. [The authors] developed the Introduction to Cultural Competency in Education online learning modules with two primary frameworks: (a) the Culture Cycle (Hamedani & Markus, 2019), which conceptualizes culture by ideas, institutions, interactions, and individuals; and (b) the Intercultural Development Continuum (Hammer, 2012), which supports individuals to reflect on their intercultural competencies and identify areas of growth, progressing from denial, polarization, minimization, acceptance, to adaptation.

Temitope F. Adeoye, Virginia T Cabrera, Daniela Castellanos-Reyes, Michael R Lolkus, Marquetta I Strait (2022). Supporting Graduate Teaching Assistants' Intercultural Competencies | Seed Grant 2021. (Version 2.0). https://hubicl.org/publications/167/2

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Developing a Multicultural Reader for First Year Writing Courses: A Backward Design Approach

This dissertation features a curriculum development project on redesigning a piloted multicultural reader which serves to cultivate intercultural competence in diverse domestic and international students in first year writing courses.

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Systematic and Phenomenological Investigation of Intercultural Competency among Purdue Undergraduates | Seed Grant 2020

Based on Deardorff’s theoretical framework, this study took a pragmatic lens of understanding the characteristics of generation Z.

Huai-rhin Kim, Jungsun Kim (2023). Systematic and Phenomenological Investigation of Intercultural Competency among Purdue Undergraduates | Seed Grant 2020. (Version 2.0). https://hubicl.org/publications/134/2.

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Developing an Outreach and Recruitment Model to Promote Diversity in Honors Study Abroad | Seed Grant 2020

This project aims to increase enrollment of students persistently underrepresented in study abroad programs, specifically URM students and first-generation students, through a model for outreach and recruitment in Honors College.

Swanson, N. W. (2021). Developing an Outreach and Recruitment Model to Promote Diversity in Honors Study Abroad | Seed Grant 2020. https://hubicl.org/publications/140/1.

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Strengthening Intercultural Communication in Disaster Response: Lessons from Nepal Earthquake and Hurricane Maria | Seed Grant 2019

The research presents a comparative analysis and assessment of intercultural communication of networked communities in Nepal and Puerto Rico.

Baniya, S. (2020). Strengthening Intercultural Communication in Disaster Response: Lessons from Nepal Earthquake and Hurricane Maria | Seed Grant 2019. https://hubicl.org/publications/123/1.

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Intercultural Learning in Italian Courses | Seed Grant 2018

Tatjana pulls back the veil on curriculum revision. She walks us through the process she and her colleagues used, the frameworks they built upon, the reasoning behind the choices they made, and some concrete examples of what the new curriculum looks like.

Babic Williams, T. B. (2019). Intercultural Learning in Italian Courses | Seed Grant 2018. (Version 2.0). https://hubicl.org/publications/38/2

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Purdue CILMAR onto World Languages and Linguistics

Intercultural Learning in Italian Courses | Seed Grant 2018

Tatjana pulls back the veil on curriculum revision. She walks us through the process she and her colleagues used, the frameworks they built upon, the reasoning behind the choices they made, and some concrete examples of what the new curriculum looks like.

Babic Williams, T. B. (2019). Intercultural Learning in Italian Courses | Seed Grant 2018. (Version 2.0). https://hubicl.org/publications/38/2

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Development of a Cultural Controllability Scale | Seed Grant 2018

Dr. Hickman describes how he led an interdisciplinary team to create and validate a new assessment instrument. He discusses the theoretical frameworks of implicit theories of culture and attribution theory, tells the story of the item construction, and explains the statistical processes he used to validate the Cultural Controllability Scale.

Hickman, L. (2019). Development of a Cultural Controllability Scale | Seed Grant 2018. https://hubicl.org/publications/23/1.

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Expanding the Narrative of Intercultural Competence |Seed Grant 2018

In this study, the aim was to extend the narrative to include an understanding of the cultural competence of those who offer said services and whether exposure to the other cultures can increase intercultural knowledge.

Johnson, N. E. (2019). Expanding the Narrative of Intercultural Competence |Seed Grant 2018. https://hubicl.org/publications/64/1.

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Nuances of Transnational Research | Seed Grant 2018

Vashundara reflects on the lessons she has learned about entering into unfamiliar and sensitive cultural contexts to conduct ethnographic research. She provides suggestions for making contacts, interacting with interviewees, and other best practices of intercultural qualitative methodologies.

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Purdue CILMAR onto Global Health publications

Nuances of Transnational Research | Seed Grant 2018

Vashundara reflects on the lessons she has learned about entering into unfamiliar and sensitive cultural contexts to conduct ethnographic research. She provides suggestions for making contacts, interacting with interviewees, and other best practices of intercultural qualitative methodologies.

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Study Abroad and Intercultural Learning | Seed Grant 2018

Krishnan, L. (2019). Study Abroad and Intercultural Learning | Seed Grant 2018. https://hubicl.org/publications/37/1.

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Study Abroad and Intercultural Learning | Seed Grant 2018

Krishnan, L. (2019). Study Abroad and Intercultural Learning | Seed Grant 2018. https://hubicl.org/publications/37/1.

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Purdue CILMAR onto Service Learning

Academic and Social Integration of International Students | Seed Grant 2018

Park, K. (2019). Academic and Social Integration of International Students | Seed Grant 2018. https://hubicl.org/publications/16/1


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Exploring the Associations Between University Instructors' Intercultural Orientations, Students' Experiences in the Classroom, and Educational Outcomes | Seed Grant 2017

This project "examine[s] the extent to which instructors' orientations ...towards cultural diversity relate to students' perceptions of the classroom environment and educational outcomes in university classrooms..." (Diatta-Holgate, 2017)

Diatta-Holgate, H. A. (2023). Exploring the Associations Between University Instructors' Intercultural Orientations, Students' Experiences in the Classroom, and Educational Outcomes | Seed Grant 2017. https://hubicl.org/publications/195/1

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The Impact of Learning Styles on Intercultural Learning Outcomes | Seed Grant 2021

This project compares Korean language learners’ learning style with their intercultural learning outcomes as communicated by them in pre- and post- reflections during a semester-long Korean course.

Huai-rhin Kim (2023). The Impact of Learning Styles on Intercultural Learning Outcomes | Seed Grant 2021. (Version 2.0). http://https://hubicl.org/publications/171/2.

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First-year Engineering Students' Multicultural Team Experiences | Seed Grant 2022

This project investigates international students' experiences in multicultural teams by mixed methods.

Siqing Wei, Li Tan, Matthew Ohland, Amirreza Mehrabi (2023). First-year Engineering Students' Multicultural Team Experiences | Seed Grant 2022. (Version 4.0). https://hubicl.org/publications/189/4.

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A Social Network Approach to International Student Career Support | Seed Grant 2022

This research project is an exploratory study aimed at describing the career networks of undergraduate international students utilizing a mixed methods approach to social network analysis to better understand perceived career support.

Seungyoon Lee, Kelsey Patton, Siqing Wei, Subulola Ebunoluwa Jiboye (2023). A Social Network Approach to International Student Career Support | Seed Grant 2022. (Version 2.0). https://hubicl.org/publications/196/2.

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A Social Network Approach to International Student Career Support | Seed Grant 2022

This research project is an exploratory study aimed at describing the career networks of undergraduate international students utilizing a mixed methods approach to social network analysis to better understand perceived career support.

Seungyoon Lee, Kelsey Patton, Siqing Wei, Subulola Ebunoluwa Jiboye (2023). A Social Network Approach to International Student Career Support | Seed Grant 2022. (Version 2.0). https://hubicl.org/publications/196/2.

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Enhancing Students' Intercultural Competence Through a Service-Learning Project | Seed Grant 2022

This project explores graduate students’ attitudes toward six different intercultural learning modules from the perspectives of a learner and an instructional designer.

Huang, W. (2023). Enhancing Students' Intercultural Competence Through a Service-Learning Project | Seed Grant 2022. https://hubicl.org/publications/192/1.

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Purdue CILMAR onto Service Learning

Enhancing Students' Intercultural Competence Through a Service-Learning Project | Seed Grant 2022

This project explores graduate students’ attitudes toward six different intercultural learning modules from the perspectives of a learner and an instructional designer.

Huang, W. (2023). Enhancing Students' Intercultural Competence Through a Service-Learning Project | Seed Grant 2022. https://hubicl.org/publications/192/1.

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Sense of Belonging: Mapping Out the Lived Cross-Cultural Experiences of International Students During the COVID-19 Pandemic | Seed Grant 2022

This project aims to map out the lived cross-cultural experiences of international students during the COVID-19 pandemic at a Midwest university.

Chen, J., Yang, Y. (2023). Sense of Belonging: Mapping Out the Lived Cross-Cultural Experiences of International Students During the COVID-19 Pandemic | Seed Grant 2022. https://hubicl.org/publications/190/1

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Purdue CILMAR onto Mental Health

Sense of Belonging: Mapping Out the Lived Cross-Cultural Experiences of International Students During the COVID-19 Pandemic | Seed Grant 2022

This project aims to map out the lived cross-cultural experiences of international students during the COVID-19 pandemic at a Midwest university.

Chen, J., Yang, Y. (2023). Sense of Belonging: Mapping Out the Lived Cross-Cultural Experiences of International Students During the COVID-19 Pandemic | Seed Grant 2022. https://hubicl.org/publications/190/1

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Sense of Belonging: Mapping Out the Lived Cross-Cultural Experiences of International Students During the COVID-19 Pandemic | Seed Grant 2022

This project aims to map out the lived cross-cultural experiences of international students during the COVID-19 pandemic at a Midwest university.

Chen, J., Yang, Y. (2023). Sense of Belonging: Mapping Out the Lived Cross-Cultural Experiences of International Students During the COVID-19 Pandemic | Seed Grant 2022. https://hubicl.org/publications/190/1

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Comparing the Effects of Social Identities: What the BEVI Tells Us About the Difference that Identity Makes in Online Versus Face-to-Face Classes

Dr. Shalyse Iseminger discusses the difference that identity makes in online versus face to face classes.

Shalyse I Iseminger (2023). Comparing the Effects of Social Identities: What the BEVI Tells Us About the Difference that Identity Makes in Online Versus Face-to-Face Classes. (Version 2.0). https://hubicl.org/publications/120/2

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Handbook of Cultural Intelligence: Theory Measurement and Application

Cultural intelligence is defined as an individual's ability to function effectively in situations characterized by cultural diversity. With contributions from eminent scholars worldwide, the "Handbook of Cultural Intelligence" is a 'state-of-the-science' summary of the body of knowledge about cultural intelligence and its relevance for managing diversity both within and across cultures. Because cultural intelligence capabilities can be enhanced through education and experience, this handbook emphasizes individual capabilities - specific characteristics that allow people to function effectively in culturally diverse settings - rather than the approach used by more traditional books of describing and comparing cultures based on national cultural norms, beliefs, habits, and practices.The Handbook covers conceptional and definitional issues, assessment approaches, and application of cultural intelligence in the domains of international and cross-cultural management as well as management of domestic activity. It is an invaluable resource that will stimulate and guide future research on this important topic and its application across a broad range of disciplines, including management, organizational behavior, industrial and organizational psychology, intercultural communication, and more.

Ang, S., & Van Dyne, L. (Eds.) Handbook of cultural intelligence. Theory measurement and application. https://doi.org/10.4324/9781315703855

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CQ: Developing Cultural Intelligence at Work

This book explains to those living and working in another country how to identify and develop their Cultural Intelligence, or CQ. Cultural intelligence is an outsider’s natural ability to interpret and respond to unfamiliar cultural signals in an appropriate manner. CQ is distinguished by three core features: the head, or the ability to discover new information about a culture; the heart, or one’s motivation and confidence in dealing with a culture; and the body, or the capability to adapt actions and behavior so that they are appropriate in a new culture. A manager with a high CQ can enter into new cultural settings—national, professional, organizational, regional—and immediately understand what is happening and why, confidently interact with people, and engage in the right actions. Filled with real-world examples and case studies, this book explains how to assess one’s own skills and improve one’s CQ.

Early, P. C., Ang, S., & Tan, J-S. (2010). CQ: Developing cultural intelligence at work. https://doi-org.ezproxy.lib.purdue.edu/10.1515/9781503619715

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Cultural Intelligence : Individual Interactions Across Cultures

Cultural intelligence : Individual interactions across cultures

Earley, C., & Ang, S. (2003). Cultural intelligence : Individual interactions across cultures. 

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Cultural Intelligence: Its Measurement and Effects on Cultural Judgment and Decision Making, Cultural Adaptation and Task Performance

Contains an Appendix with 20 Cultural Intelligence Scale (CQS) questions

Ang, S., Dyne, L. V., Koh, C., Ng, K. Y., Templer, K. J., Tay, C., & Chandrasekar, N. A. (2007). Cultural intelligence: Its measurement and effects on cultural judgment and decision making, cultural adaptation and task performance. Management and Organization Review, 3(3), 335–371. https://culturalq.com/wp-content/uploads/2019/03/MOR-2007-Ang_Van-Dyne-etc.pdf

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Cultural Intelligence

Contains a brief diagnostic tool to assess one's CQ

Earley, P. C., & Mosakowski, E. (2004). Cultural Intelligence. Harvard Business Review, 82(10), 139–146. https://hbr.org/2004/10/cultural-intelligence

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James Madison University's Global Studies Curriculum by CoreCollaborative International

Although not research, the Global Studies Curriculum is aligned with the constructs behind the BEVI assessment tool; thus, it might be of interest to those perusing this Collection. For more information, please go to A Customizable Learning Experience That Prepares Students For An Interconnected World – CoreCollaborative International.

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Intercultural Contact, Competence, and Conviviality: A Proposal for Campus Engagement and Belonging

Buntain, L. (2021). Intercultural contact, competence, and conviviality: A proposal for campus engagement and belonging (Publication No. 30506429) [Doctoral dissertation, Purdue University]. https://www.proquest.com/docview/2838333849?sourcetype=Dissertations%20&%20Theses

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Anything Students Can Learn, Staff and Faculty Can Learn Too: Intercultural Learning in Staff and Faculty Study Abroad

The purpose of this study was to assess the effectiveness of intercultural learning modules introduced to a faculty and staff study abroad program.

Buntain, L. (2023, April). Anything students can learn, staff and faculty can learn too: Intercultural learning in staff and faculty study abroad. Frontiers: The Interdisciplinary Journal of Study Abroad, 35(1). https://frontiersjournal.org/index.php/Frontiers/article/view/738

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“At the Bottom of the Food Chain”: Constructing Academic Identity in Engineering Education as International Graduate Students | 2021 Seed Grant

As international graduate students, the authors propose this work-in-progress project to better understand the “historically accumulated, culturally developed, and socially distributed resources” of the academic identity construction of international students from a graduate program in Engineering Education.

Siqing Wei, Cristian Eduardo Vargas-Ordonez, Tiantian Li (2022). “At the Bottom of the Food Chain”: Constructing Academic Identity in Engineering Education as International Graduate Students | 2021 Seed Grant. (Version 2.0). https://hubicl.org/publications/168/2

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Supporting Graduate Teaching Assistants' Intercultural Competencies | Seed Grant 2021

Given the prominent role of graduate teaching assistants (GTAs) in preparing pre-service teachers to be culturally relevant educators, [the authors] developed a series of online learning modules for GTAs in a College of Education to support their intercultural competency development. [The authors] developed the Introduction to Cultural Competency in Education online learning modules with two primary frameworks: (a) the Culture Cycle (Hamedani & Markus, 2019), which conceptualizes culture by ideas, institutions, interactions, and individuals; and (b) the Intercultural Development Continuum (Hammer, 2012), which supports individuals to reflect on their intercultural competencies and identify areas of growth, progressing from denial, polarization, minimization, acceptance, to adaptation.

Temitope F. Adeoye, Virginia T Cabrera, Daniela Castellanos-Reyes, Michael R Lolkus, Marquetta I Strait (2022). Supporting Graduate Teaching Assistants' Intercultural Competencies | Seed Grant 2021. (Version 2.0). https://hubicl.org/publications/167/2

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Illuminative evaluation of an intercultural-competence-focused first-year writing curriculum | Writing and Pedagogy

Sims, R., Banat, H., Lazarjani, P. P., Tran, P. M., Dilger, C. (2022). Illuminative evaluation of an intercultural-competence-focused first-year writing curriculum | Writing and Pedagogy .https://hubicl.org/publications/182/1

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Illuminative evaluation of an intercultural-competence-focused first-year writing curriculum | Writing and Pedagogy

Sims, R., Banat, H., Lazarjani, P. P., Tran, P. M., Dilger, C. (2022). Illuminative evaluation of an intercultural-competence-focused first-year writing curriculum | Writing and Pedagogy .https://hubicl.org/publications/182/1

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The Impact of Learning Styles on Intercultural Learning Outcomes | Seed Grant 2021

This project compares Korean language learners’ learning style with their intercultural learning outcomes as communicated by them in pre- and post- reflections during a semester-long Korean course.

Huai-rhin Kim (2023). The Impact of Learning Styles on Intercultural Learning Outcomes | Seed Grant 2021. (Version 2.0). https://hubicl.org/publications/171/2

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Purdue CILMAR onto World Languages and Linguistics

Assessing Transformative Learning in International Education: Critiques and New Directions Based on a Systematic Review of Literature

Using the field of international education (IE) as a case study, this article leverages findings from the assessment of TL in IE to illustrate overall strengths and limitations of TL assessment instruments and techniques within the larger arc of TL theory.

Pang, G., Cox, R. C., Acheson-Clair, K. (2023). Assessing Transformative Learning in International Education: Critiques and New Directions Based on a Systematic Review of Literature. https://hubicl.org/publications/187/1

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Purdue CILMAR onto Transformative Learning Theory

Sense of Belonging: Mapping Out the Lived Cross-Cultural Experiences of International Students During the COVID-19 Pandemic | Seed Grant 2022

This project aims to map out the lived cross-cultural experiences of international students during the COVID-19 pandemic at a Midwest university.

Chen, J., Yang, Y. (2023). Sense of Belonging: Mapping Out the Lived Cross-Cultural Experiences of International Students During the COVID-19 Pandemic | Seed Grant 2022. https://hubicl.org/publications/190/1

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Intercultural Assessment of an Undergraduate Overseas STEM Research Experience for U.S. Students | Seed Grant 2022

The Plant Science for Global Food Security (PSGFS) program is a National Science Foundation (NSF)-funded international summer research experience for undergraduate students led by Purdue University. U.S. students travel to the International Rice Research Institute in the Philippines for a 6-week summer program that includes a 3-week research experience in rice science with individual scientific laboratories coupled with a 3-week course in international rice research. Prior to implementation of Year 1 on the project, the principal investigators of PSGFS partnered with Purdue Evaluation and Learning Center (ELRC) to gauge the impact of this international research experience on intercultural awareness and career objectives of the participants.

Wang, D. R., Burniske, G., Sdunzik, J., Burgess, W. (2023). Intercultural Assessment of an Undergraduate Overseas STEM Research Experience for U.S. Students | Seed Grant 2022. https://hubicl.org/publications/193/1

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Purdue CILMAR onto Research on Career Preparation

Intercultural Assessment of an Undergraduate Overseas STEM Research Experience for U.S. Students | Seed Grant 2022

The Plant Science for Global Food Security (PSGFS) program is a National Science Foundation (NSF)-funded international summer research experience for undergraduate students led by Purdue University. U.S. students travel to the International Rice Research Institute in the Philippines for a 6-week summer program that includes a 3-week research experience in rice science with individual scientific laboratories coupled with a 3-week course in international rice research. Prior to implementation of Year 1 on the project, the principal investigators of PSGFS partnered with Purdue Evaluation and Learning Center (ELRC) to gauge the impact of this international research experience on intercultural awareness and career objectives of the participants.

Wang, D. R., Burniske, G., Sdunzik, J., Burgess, W. (2023). Intercultural Assessment of an Undergraduate Overseas STEM Research Experience for U.S. Students | Seed Grant 2022. https://hubicl.org/publications/193/1

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Instructor Manual: Transculturation in Introductory Composition

This manual introduces the Transculturation model for integrating intercultural competence into first-year writing courses. New instructors will find a description of the curricular philosophy as well as the curriculum’s structure. We include all necessary documents for implementing the curriculum here. This document also offers guidance for classroom implementation of the curricular interventions.

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Instructor Manual: Transculturation in Introductory Composition

This manual introduces the Transculturation model for integrating intercultural competence into first-year writing courses. New instructors will find a description of the curricular philosophy as well as the curriculum’s structure. We include all necessary documents for implementing the curriculum here. This document also offers guidance for classroom implementation of the curricular interventions.

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Sample materials: Transculturation in Introductory Composition

This collection contains models of this curriculum’s essential documents: syllabi and assignment sheets.

Sims, R., Banat, H., Lazarjani, P. P., Tran, P. M., Dilger, C. (2023). Sample materials: Transculturation in Introductory Composition. https://hubicl.org/publications/194/1

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Online Course Delivery Plan: Transculturation in Introductory Composition

This document is designed to help writing programs and instructors adapt the Transculturation curriculum for online and hybrid delivery by offering a modular structure and guidance about hybrid approaches to instruction. This online delivery manual should be read in tandem with the Instructor Manual and Implementation Guide.

Rebekah Sims, Parva Panahi Lazarjani, Hadi Banat, Phuong M Tran, Bradley Dilger (2023). Online Course Delivery Plan: Transculturation in Introductory Composition. (Version 2.0). https://hubicl.org/publications/180/2

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Online Course Delivery Plan: Transculturation in Introductory Composition

This document is designed to help writing programs and instructors adapt the Transculturation curriculum for online and hybrid delivery by offering a modular structure and guidance about hybrid approaches to instruction. This online delivery manual should be read in tandem with the Instructor Manual and Implementation Guide.

Rebekah Sims, Parva Panahi Lazarjani, Hadi Banat, Phuong M Tran, Bradley Dilger (2023). Online Course Delivery Plan: Transculturation in Introductory Composition. (Version 2.0). https://hubicl.org/publications/180/2

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Sample materials: Transculturation in Introductory Composition

This collection contains models of this curriculum’s essential documents: syllabi and assignment sheets.

Sims, R., Banat, H., Lazarjani, P. P., Tran, P. M., Dilger, C. (2023). Sample materials: Transculturation in Introductory Composition. https://hubicl.org/publications/194/1

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Comparing the Effects of Social Identities: What the BEVI Tells Us About the Difference that Identity Makes in Online Versus Face-to-Face Classes

Dr. Shalyse Iseminger discusses the difference that identity makes in online versus face to face classes.

Shalyse I Iseminger (2023). Comparing the Effects of Social Identities: What the BEVI Tells Us About the Difference that Identity Makes in Online Versus Face-to-Face Classes. (Version 2.0). https://hubicl.org/publications/120/2

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Embedding Intercultural Learning into World Languages: Italian at Purdue

Dr. Tatjana Babic Williams and Dr. Annalisa Mosca discuss their move to creating asynchronous intercultural labs during the pandemic and an upcoming COIL project to fill in the gap left by a popular study abroad program in Italy.

Tatjana Babic Williams, Annalisa Mosca (2023). Embedding Intercultural Learning into World Languages: Italian at Purdue. (Version 2.0). https://hubicl.org/publications/117/2

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Embedding Intercultural Learning into World Languages: Italian at Purdue

Dr. Tatjana Babic Williams and Dr. Annalisa Mosca discuss their move to creating asynchronous intercultural labs during the pandemic and an upcoming COIL project to fill in the gap left by a popular study abroad program in Italy.

Tatjana Babic Williams, Annalisa Mosca (2023). Embedding Intercultural Learning into World Languages: Italian at Purdue. (Version 2.0). https://hubicl.org/publications/117/2

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Purdue CILMAR onto World Languages and Linguistics

Let's Talk About Color

This webinar features a panel of Purdue students who describe the issues they face in and outside of the classroom that can affect their performance in their courses, both face-to-face and online.

Natasha L Harris (2023). Let's Talk About Color. (Version 2.0). https://hubicl.org/publications/118/2

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Embedding Intercultural Learning into the Purdue Polytechnic Institute Curriculum

Robert Cox discusses the evolution of his Technology and Global Society (TECH 330) course.

Robert Cox (2023). Embedding Intercultural Learning into the Purdue Polytechnic Institute Curriculum. (Version 2.0). https://hubicl.org/publications/115/2

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Intercultural Learning in Hospitality and Tourism students: Curriculum Design Perspectives | Seed Grant 2020

In today’s ever-growing multicultural and complex environment, intercultural competence is of extreme importance to the hospitality and tourism field, which not only serves people from all over the world, but also employs a diverse group of people.

Jieyu Shi (2023). Intercultural Learning in Hospitality and Tourism students: Curriculum Design Perspectives | Seed Grant 2020. (Version 2.0). https://hubicl.org/publications/133/2

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Intercultural Competence in First-Year Animal Science Students | Seed Grant 2021

Elizabeth L Karcher, Paul Ebner (2023). Intercultural Competence in First-Year Animal Science Students | Seed Grant 2021. (Version 3.0). https://hubicl.org/publications/184/3

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A Social Network Approach to International Student Career Support | Seed Grant 2022

This research project is an exploratory study aimed at describing the career networks of undergraduate international students utilizing a mixed methods approach to social network analysis to better understand perceived career support.

Seungyoon Lee, Kelsey Patton, Siqing Wei, Subulola Ebunoluwa Jiboye (2023). A Social Network Approach to International Student Career Support | Seed Grant 2022. (Version 2.0). https://hubicl.org/publications/196/2

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Purdue CILMAR onto Research on Career Preparation

Mentored conference experiences support students' career exploration and professional development

Flaherty, E. A., Day, C. C., Urbanek, R. E., Wood, D. M., D'acunto, L. E., Quinn, V. S., & Zollner, P. A. (2019). Mentored conference experiences support students' career exploration and professional development. Wildlife Society Bulletin.  DOI:  10.1002/wsb.1013

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Purdue CILMAR onto Research on Career Preparation

Essential Skill Questionnaire: A Pilot Study Of A Self-Report Measure To Identify Undergraduate Level Of Essential Job Skills.

From the abstract: "Through a comprehensive literature review, five skills clusters were found as most often identified by employers as critical for success of new employees: 1) communication; 2) decision-making/problem-solving; 3) teamwork; 4) self-management; and 5) professionalism. We then created a survey-based instrument that measured essential skill development in undergraduates."

Wickenhauser, J.; Ebner, P.; Flaherty, E. A.; & Karcher, E. L. (2021). Essential Skill Questionnaire: A pilot study of a self-report measure to identify undergraduate level of essential job skills. NACTA Journal. 65:414-418. 

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Purdue CILMAR onto Research on Career Preparation

First-year Engineering Students' Multicultural Team Experiences | Seed Grant 2022

This project investigates international students' experiences in multicultural teams by mixed methods.

Siqing Wei, Li Tan, Matthew Ohland, Amirreza Mehrabi (2023). First-year Engineering Students' Multicultural Team Experiences | Seed Grant 2022. (Version 4.0). https://hubicl.org/publications/189/4

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Purdue CILMAR onto Intercultural Learning & Teaming

Assessing the Impact of Targeted Cultural Competence Training in a Cohort of MS-SLP Students | Seed Grant 2020

The primary aim of the project was to improve the cultural competency of graduate students in the Speech-Language Pathology graduate clinical training program (MS-SLP) by strategically targeting knowledge, skills, and attitudes related to intercultural issues. The second aim was to measure the effectiveness of the program, with the goal of establishing a pedagogical model for other graduate programs to follow.

Chenell Loudermill, Jaime L Bauer Malandraki (2023). Assessing the Impact of Targeted Cultural Competence Training in a Cohort of MS-SLP Students | Seed Grant 2020. (Version 4.0). https://hubicl.org/publications/157/4

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Enhancing Students' Intercultural Competence Through a Service-Learning Project | Seed Grant 2022

This study examines the effectiveness of six intercultural learning modules in enhancing students’ intercultural competency. In addition, it explores students’ attitudes toward the design of the learning modules from an instructional designer's perspective. The research participants included 15 students enrolled in a core learning design class. Students were required to complete the first two topics (i.e., Topics 1&2) and one additional topic of their choice listed below:

  1. Topic 1: Understanding Accents Different from Your Own (UA)
  2. Topic 2: Digging Deeper with Critical Reflection (CR)
  3. Topic 3: Intercultural Collaboration
  4. Topic 4: Teaming I: Communication
  5. Topic 5: Teaming II: Self and Other Awareness
  6. Topic 6: Teaming III: Productive Conflict

Students also completed their evaluations and reflections for each topic through a survey that included 25 Likert scale questions (1 = poor and 4 = exceptional) relevant to five categories (i.e., content quality, motivation, instructional design, cognitive, and intuitiveness) and five open-ended questions. Quantitative data analysis indicated that students’ learning experiences were positive. The average score of the 25 questions for the topics reviewed is around 3 or above. The open-ended question responses were analyzed using thematic analysis and R-Studio – Sentimental Analysis. The bing sentiment lexicons and nrc sentiment lexicons showed that students were positive toward the learning modules as well. Additionally, two themes evolved from the open-ended responses: 1) Students learned more about cultural differences and how to communicate in a team environment, and 2) Students are motivated to be more proactive in reaching out to people with different backgrounds, accents, etc.

Wanju Huang (2023). Enhancing Students' Intercultural Competence Through a Service-Learning Project | Seed Grant 2022. (Version 3.0). https://hubicl.org/publications/192/3

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Enhancing Students' Intercultural Competence Through a Service-Learning Project | Seed Grant 2022

This study examines the effectiveness of six intercultural learning modules in enhancing students’ intercultural competency. In addition, it explores students’ attitudes toward the design of the learning modules from an instructional designer's perspective. The research participants included 15 students enrolled in a core learning design class. Students were required to complete the first two topics (i.e., Topics 1&2) and one additional topic of their choice listed below:

  1. Topic 1: Understanding Accents Different from Your Own (UA)
  2. Topic 2: Digging Deeper with Critical Reflection (CR)
  3. Topic 3: Intercultural Collaboration
  4. Topic 4: Teaming I: Communication
  5. Topic 5: Teaming II: Self and Other Awareness
  6. Topic 6: Teaming III: Productive Conflict

Students also completed their evaluations and reflections for each topic through a survey that included 25 Likert scale questions (1 = poor and 4 = exceptional) relevant to five categories (i.e., content quality, motivation, instructional design, cognitive, and intuitiveness) and five open-ended questions. Quantitative data analysis indicated that students’ learning experiences were positive. The average score of the 25 questions for the topics reviewed is around 3 or above. The open-ended question responses were analyzed using thematic analysis and R-Studio – Sentimental Analysis. The bing sentiment lexicons and nrc sentiment lexicons showed that students were positive toward the learning modules as well. Additionally, two themes evolved from the open-ended responses: 1) Students learned more about cultural differences and how to communicate in a team environment, and 2) Students are motivated to be more proactive in reaching out to people with different backgrounds, accents, etc.

Wanju Huang (2023). Enhancing Students' Intercultural Competence Through a Service-Learning Project | Seed Grant 2022. (Version 3.0). https://hubicl.org/publications/192/3

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Purdue CILMAR onto Service Learning

Exploring the Associations Between University Instructors' Intercultural Orientations, Students' Experiences in the Classroom, and Educational Outcomes | Seed Grant 2017

The theoretical and conceptual framing of Dr. Diatta-Holgate's research explores the intersection and integration of the diversity inclusivity framework, self-determination theory, Intercultural Development Continuum, The AAC&U (American Association of Colleges and Universities) Intercultural Knowledge & Competence VALUE Rubric, and Culturally Responsive/Relevant Pedagogy/Teaching under the assumption that instructors' level of awareness, appreciation, inclusivity of, and respect for cultural diversity impacts the student learning environment.

Horane A. Diatta-Holgate (2023). Exploring the Associations Between University Instructors' Intercultural Orientations, Students' Experiences in the Classroom, and Educational Outcomes | Seed Grant 2017. (Version 2.0). https://hubicl.org/publications/195/2


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Developing Student Empathy in Study Abroad Programming | Seed Grant 2019

In order to begin reaching this goal of student cultural literacy, the research team created an intercultural experience for Animal Sciences students that combined two high impact practices (study abroad and Learning Communities). Students participated in a 10-day summer program studying animal agriculture in northern Italy and then an on-campus course during the fall semester. This presentation discusses the methods and findings for student intercultural development and empathy assessment.

Elizabeth L Karcher, Jacey Wickenhauser (2023). Developing Student Empathy in Study Abroad Programming | Seed Grant 2019. (Version 2.0) https://hubicl.org/publications/106/2

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Systematic and Phenomenological Investigation of Intercultural Competency among Purdue Undergraduates | Seed Grant 2020

This study took a combined view of intercultural competence and understanding contemporary students. In terms of intercultural competence, students’ attitudes, knowledge, and skills toward different cultures are theoretical domains to evaluate. To understand Generation Z, parental bonding, tolerance of uncertainty, and personal values in evaluating different cultures were also investigated. A sequential mixed method design was used to achieve the practical goals of this study.

Huai-rhin Kim, Jungsun Kim (2023). Systematic and phenomenological investigation of intercultural competency among Purdue undergraduates | Seed Grant 2020. (Version 2.0). https://hubicl.org/publications/134/2

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Identifying Post-Pandemic Gaps In Intercultural Development During An Undergraduate Short-Term Study Abroad

Deficiencies in intercultural insight amongst American youth have led to an increased focus on globalization within institutions of higher education. To remedy this need amongst undergraduates, which has been exacerbated since the pandemic, short-term study abroads have been developed with the goal of enhancing these skillsets through application-based curriculum. New pedagogies have resulted so that students can be adequately exposed to true intercultural experiences along with tools to quantify this learning. This study identified and assessed intercultural learning gaps during a recent trip abroad.

Tanoos, J. J., Lyu, Y. (2023). Identifying post-pandemic gaps in intercultural development during an undergraduate short-term study abroad. https://hubicl.org/publications/199/1

Lyu, Y., & Tanoos, J.  (2023).  Identifying post-pandemic gaps in intercultural development during an undergraduate short-term study abroad.  IOSR Journal of Mathematics (IOSR-JM), 19(4 Ser. 1), 30-34. 

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Diversity, Inclusion, and Equity in Nursing | Seed Grant 2019

In this video presentation, Dr. Kristen Kirby and Professor Rebecca Johnson present the development of a study of baseline intercultural mindsets in an academic setting. They present data from their assessments of faculty, staff, and students. Subsequently, they explain their data thus far and where the research is going in the future all as part of a two-part coordinated CILMAR Seed Grant project.

Kristen F Kirby, Rebecca Johnson (2023). Diversity, inclusion, and equity in nursing | Seed Grant 2019. (Version 4.0). https://hubicl.org/publications/100/4

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Diversity, Inclusion, and Equity in Nursing | Seed Grant 2019

In this video presentation, Dr. Kristen Kirby and Professor Rebecca Johnson present the development of a study of baseline intercultural mindsets in an academic setting. They present data from their assessments of faculty, staff, and students. Subsequently, they explain their data thus far and where the research is going in the future all as part of a two-part coordinated CILMAR Seed Grant project.

Kristen F Kirby, Rebecca Johnson (2023). Diversity, inclusion, and equity in nursing | Seed Grant 2019. (Version 4.0). https://hubicl.org/publications/100/4

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Strengthening Intercultural Communication in Disaster Response: Lessons from Nepal Earthquake and Hurricane Maria | Seed Grant 2019

The research presents a comparative analysis and assessment of intercultural communication of networked communities in Nepal and Puerto Rico.

Sweta Baniya (2023). Strengthening intercultural communication in disaster response: Lessons from Nepal earthquake and Hurricane Maria | Seed Grant 2019. (Version 2.0). https://hubicl.org/publications/123/2

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Intercultural Learning in Business and Management Studies

This white paper provides a snapshot of the strategies used by Higher Education Institutions (HEIs) to impart intercultural competence to business and management-related disciplines.

Jaiswal, A. (2024). Intercultural learning in business and management studies. https://hubicl.org/publications/201/1

(Although Dr. Jaiswal does not teach in the Mitchell E. Daniels, Jr. School of Business, this seemed the best collection in which to save this particular publication.)

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Intercultural Learning for Teachers

This white paper synthesizes research using the Intercultural Development Inventory (IDI) for intercultural development with teachers. 

Jaiswal, A. (2024). Intercultural learning for teachers. https://hubicl.org/publications/203/1

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Intercultural Learning in the Healthcare Sector

This white paper synthesizes research using the Intercultural Development Inventory (IDI) for intercultural development in healthcare settings.

Jaiswal, A. (2024). Intercultural learning in the healthcare sector. https://hubicl.org/publications/204/1

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Purdue CILMAR onto Global Health publications

Culturally Responsive Classroom Climate Scale

This study, by Purdue scholar Horane Diatta-Holgate, describes the creation and validation of a survey which asks the student to evaluate whether the instructor uses culturally inclusive language, pedagogy and behavior in the post-secondary classroom, and to define the degree to which that student feels included. While culturally relevant and culturally competent pedagogy is important to inclusion, this is the first known tool to ask for feedback from the students, as opposed to probing teacher attitudes.

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Teaching intercultural competence through heavy metal music

From  the abstract: "Drawing on the guidelines in the AAC&U Intercultural Knowledge and Competence VALUE Rubric, [the author] argues heavy metal music can serve as a model for using music to increase students’ intercultural knowledge, competency, and awareness, as well as their ability to critically reflect on issues in their own society, including gender, race, and class."

Guberman, D. (2020). Teaching intercultural competence through heavy metal music. Arts and Humanities in Higher Education. https://doi.org/10.1177/1474022220903403

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Intercultural Competence Gains from Study Abroad in India

From the abstract: "Participation in a study abroad program to Zambia with intentional intercultural activities embedded in the course curriculum has been shown to enhance cultural competence as measured by the Intercultural Development Inventory (IDI®) (Krishnan, Masters, Holgate, Wang & Calahan, 2017). The purpose of this study was to assess whether a new program to India, developed using a. similar model, was effective in increasing student intercultural competence and to compare student outcomes with the previous program to evaluate possible differences in outcomes related to the destination country."

Krishnan, LA., Diatta-Holgate, H. & Calahan, C. (2021). Intercultural Competence Gains from Study Abroad in India. Teaching and Learning in Communication Sciences & Disorders.(5), 2, Article 6.  https://ir.library.illinoisstate.edu/tlcsd/vol5/iss2/6

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Enhancing Intercultural Competence: Can it be done without Studying Abroad?

From the abstract: "The purpose of this study was to evaluate the relative impact of embedding intercultural learning activities on students’ intercultural competence when included in an on-campus course compared to a study abroad program."

Krishnan, LA., Jin, L. & Calahan, C. (2021). Enhancing Intercultural Competence: Can it be done without Studying Abroad? In Press. Teaching and Learning in Communication Sciences & Disorders. 

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Fostering an Anti Racist and Inclusive Living Learning Community

The COVID-19 Crisis and Racial Justice & Equity: Addressing the Twin Pandemics

Anwer, M., & Phillips, R. (2021). Fostering an Anti-Racist and Inclusive Living-Learning Community. Journal of Higher Education Management, 36(1), 68.

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Intercultural communicative competence in a world language classroom: Models and resources

Babic Williams, T., & Acheson, K. (July, 2020). Intercultural communicative competence in a world language classroom: Models and resources. Teaching and Learning of Culture. American Council on the Teaching of Foreign Languages TLC Special Interest Group. Intercultural Communicative Competence in a World Language Classroom Models and Resources.pdf - Google Drive

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Spanish and English compliment responses in discourse An investigation of cross-cultural and L2 pragmatic norms

From the abstract: "This investigation of second language (L2) pragmatic development over a six-week, short-term study abroad program examines compliment responses among English-speaking, L2 learners of Spanish, and compares the L2 group to native speakers of Spanish and English."

Czerwionka, L., & Dickerson, S. (2022). Spanish and English compliment responses in discourse: an investigation of cross-cultural and L2 pragmatic norms. Study Abroad Research in Second Language Acquisition and International Education, 7(1).

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Cultural meaning-making in challenging interactions in L2 Spanish: Language teachers’ perceptions

From the abstract: "This article addresses a key challenge within intercultural interactions: cultural meaning-making. This is a process that requires both communicative and intercultural competence and encompasses the interdependent and ever-present relationships between language, culture, and worldviews."

Czerwionka, L., & Mugford, G. (2020). Cultural meaning-making in challenging interactions in L2 Spanish: language teacher’s perceptions. Journal of Spanish Language Teaching, 7(2), 1–14.

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Transnational curriculum design for intercultural learning in writing programs

From the abstract: "...[the authors] present an intercultural-competence-focused, one-campus approach to transnationalizing US writing program administration from within, suggesting a range of structures and practices that incorporate global, transnational perspectives."

Panahi, P., Banat, H., Sims, R., Minh Tran, P., & Dilger, B. (2022). Transnational curriculum design for intercultural learning in writing programs. In C. Donahue & B. Horner (Eds.), Teaching and studying transnational composition. MLA.

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Growing Intercultural Speakers in Novice Italian: A Virtual vs. Face-to-Face Comparison

From the abstract: "The purpose of the study is to compare possible differences in IC development between face-to-face and asynchronous virtual modes of delivery that were taken as emergency measures early in the COVID-19 pandemic for a beginning Italian course with 18- to 22-year-old students."

Stahl, A., Williams, T., Jin, L., Koch, J. (2023). Growing Intercultural Speakers in Novice Italian: A Virtual vs. Face-to-Face Comparison. Foreign Language Annalshttps://doi.org/10.1111/flan.12736

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Across the Atlantic: Service-learning in Spain and Morocco

Ward, L. (2019). Across the Atlantic: Service-learning in Spain and Morocco. Purdue Journal of Service-Learning and International Engagement6(1), 11.https://docs.lib.purdue.edu/pjsl/vol6/iss1/11 

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Digital Seanchai: Using Digital Storytelling to Assess Outcomes of a Study Abroad Course

Allen, E. C., Lofgren, E. A., & Brady, C. M. (2019). Digital Seanchai: Using digital storytelling to assess outcomes of a study abroad course. NACTA Journal63(1).  https://www.jstor.org/stable/26769601

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Intercultural Learning in Semester-Long Study Abroad: A Comparative Analysis of the Effectiveness of One-on-One Versus Group-Mentored Interventions (Jones, Campbell, & Acheson-Clair, 2019)

This article, which was originally published in the Journal on Excellence in College Teaching, presents the results of a comparative analysis of the effectiveness of one-on-one versus group-mentored interventions in semester-long study abroad programs.

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Being Connected: Academic, Social, and Linguistic Integration of International Students

"Findings from this study can contribute to the development of first-year programs that provide realistic solutions for the enhanced internationalization of both domestic and international students on campus."

Park, K. (2019). Being connected: Academic, social, and linguistic integration of international students [Doctoral dissertation, Purdue University]. Purdue University Graduate School. https://docs.lib.purdue.edu/dissertations/AAI30502178/

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Transnational curriculum design for intercultural learning in writing programs

From the abstract: "In this chapter, we present an intercultural-competence-focused, one-campus approach to transnationalizing US writing program administration from within, suggesting a range of structures and practices that incorporate global, transnational perspectives."

Panahi, P., Banat, H., Tran, P., Sims, R., & Dilger, B. (2019). Transnational curriculum design for intercultural learning in writing programs. In C. Donahue & B. Horner (Eds.), Teaching and Studying Transnational Composition.

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Developing a Multicultural Reader for First Year Writing Courses: A Backward Design Approach

Tran, P. (August 2021). Developing a Multicultural Reader for First Year Writing Courses: A Backward Design Approach. [Doctoral dissertation, Purdue University]. Purdue University Graduate School.

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Investigating Culturally Responsive Teaching Practices in First-Year Composition

From the abstract: "In this dissertation, I investigate the current state of Culturally Responsive Teaching (CRT) in a university writing program as a potential avenue for internationalization. Culturally Responsive Teaching (CRT) is a social-justice-oriented, transformative approach to education that views cultural diversity as a resource, restructuring education settings to affirm students’ identities and home cultures."

Sims, R. (May 2021). Investigating Culturally Responsive Teaching Practices in First-Year Composition. [Doctoral dissertation, Purdue University]. Purdue University Graduate School.

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Diversity and Making: A Living History Quilt

"At a University located in the Midwestern United States, the Library maker program collaborated with the Asian American and Asian Resource Cultural Center to make a quilt from printed archival photos, student photos and recorded stories. The result was a “living history” quilt that reflected Asian community and culture on campus. This paper explores diversity in making through collaboration, details of the project process and lessons learned."

Huber, S., Sari, P., & Meher, R. (2021). Diversity and Making: A living history quilt. Journal of Learning Spaces, 10(3). Retrieved from https://files.eric.ed.gov/fulltext/EJ1314694.pdf

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Creating interdisciplinary collaborative teaching/learning praxis with design thinking, communication, and composition

From the abstract: "In this paper, [the authors] discuss the point of view of three instructors who teach the integrated courses in the first-year program at Purdue University. The first-year integrated program launched by Polytechnic Institute...combines three departments: English, Communication, and Technology. The instructors representing these departments teach technology students about Design Thinking, Composition, and Communication, thereby providing students an opportunity for designing and developing multimodal compositions geared towards solving global issues via interdisciplinary interactions."

Baniya, S., Mentzer, N., Laux, D., Holtan, A., Farrington, S., Eden, C., & Zhang, L. (2019, October). Creating interdisciplinary collaborative teaching/learning praxis with design thinking, communication, and composition. In Proceedings of the 37th ACM International Conference on the Design of Communication (p. 5). ACM.

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The Importance of the Discussion Method in the Undergraduate Business Classroom

From the abstract: "This paper begins by tracing the role of the Discussion Method within the liberal arts tradition, and by extension the Confucian tradition. Second, this paper examines how the Discussion Method lost its value in higher education as a consequence of the employability problem...Third, this paper reframes the purpose of the Discussion Method in an integrated curriculum for preparing students to achieve personal and professional success..."

Ying, J. (2020). The Importance of the Discussion Method in the Undergraduate Business Classroom. Humanistic Management Journal, 5, 251–278. https://doi.org/10.1007/s41463-020-00099-2

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Assessing supplemental instruction leaders' intercultural competence and culturally responsive practices in non-traditional learning environments

From the abstract: "Undergraduate [Supplemental Instruction] SI leaders’ behaviors were examined for their intercultural competence level, potential influencers, and valued commitment to diversity and inclusion."

Strait, M. I. (2022). Assessing supplemental instruction leaders' intercultural competence and culturally responsive practices in non-traditional learning environments. (Publication no. 3328774). [Doctoral dissertation, Purdue University]. Purdue University Graduate School. https://doi.org/10.25394/PGS.20405691.v1.

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Investigating Culturally Responsive Teaching Practices in First-Year Composition

From the abstract: "In this dissertation, I investigate the current state of Culturally Responsive Teaching (CRT) in a university writing program as a potential avenue for internationalization. Culturally Responsive Teaching (CRT) is a social-justice-oriented, transformative approach to education that views cultural diversity as a resource, restructuring education settings to affirm students’ identities and home cultures."

Sims, R. (May 2021). Investigating Culturally Responsive Teaching Practices in First-Year Composition. [Doctoral dissertation, Purdue University]. Purdue University Graduate School.

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